Make a Tax-Deductible Donation of $250+

You can make your tax-deductible donation of $250+ to Storming via check or online. Please see instructions below.


  1. Fill out this submission form so that we can process your gift as a tax deductible donation through our fiscal sponsor.

  2. Make checks payable to Scribe Video Center.

  3. Indicate Storming Film on the check’s memo.

    Scribe Video Center
    3908 Lancaster Avenue
    Philadelphia, PA 19104


  1. Fill out this submission form so that we can process your gift as a tax deductible donation through our fiscal sponsor.

  2. Visit

  3. Click “DONATE” button on top right corner

    (this will take you to a paypal payment portal where you can donate via paypal or credit card).

  4. Fill out donation amount and credit card info.

  5. **REQUIRED** You must include “Storming Film” in the special instructions section to ensure funds are directed to our project. See screenshot below for reference.

Screen Shot 2019-04-16 at 3.03.43 PM.png

Please make sure you fill out the form if you are making a tax-deductible donation so we can ensure proper records of donations, contact you with any issues concerning donations and send you a personal thank you.